Monday, August 23, 2010

Inspiration in Nature

Dear Readers, we're back from camping in the wild!

Alien One scoured the beaches near Morro Bay and successfully scavenged a bag of seaweed - see left for a piece of "moo-cow seaweed" she's proudly exhibiting to her sister and then gently adding to the "owl's nest".

Why a bag of seaweed? The Trouble and Strife asked the same question. The answer: "I need it for something creative"

Who knew the Aliens knew how to make owl's nests! Complete with "light-stick" no less - that would be an upside-down buttercup hanging from the branch above to the untrained eye.

And after a hard day's creative work, it's always good to kick back ...

especially if you know you're going to be sleeping in an improvised tent (if you look carefully below you can see we neglected to check our new tent had the right poles - no fear, Squirrel King production design has taught us well and Eucalyptus branches did just nicely).

Today it's back to spaceship console construction!

Chin chin Ruthless Whims

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